For the latest on important topics trending in the automotive aftermarket, make sure to attend the October weekly webinars hosted by AAPEX.
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Sept. 23, 2021
Hello Media:
For the latest on important topics trending in the automotive aftermarket, make sure to attend the October weekly webinars hosted by AAPEX. The webinars are offered at no cost and will take place Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to noon (EDT), leading up to the in-person event in November. Registration is required and more information is available on the AAPEX October Webinar Series page. This year’s lineup includes:
Oct. 5: Developing a Sustainable Workforce Through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion presented by Tammy Tecklenburg, principal Tecklenburg Advisors. Speakers include: Jessica Hinman, chief corporate responsibility officer, FCP Euro, and Lani Glancy, vice president, Talent Development, DEI & Communications, AutoZone;
Oct. 12: Data Sources and Application Amidst an Evolving Economy and Industry presented by Michael Chung, director, Market Intelligence, Auto Care Association. Panelists include: Vandy Chen, executive director, Market Intelligence, DRiV (Tenneco); Jeff Schlitt, sales engineering director, Arity; Nathan Shipley, executive director, The NPD Group; and David Wilbanks, senior vice president of Merchandise, O’Reilly Auto Parts;
With AAPEX just around the corner, here is additional news to keep you ahead of the curve:
Media Events
Several media events are scheduled during AAPEX, including the Media Reception, Media Tours, award ceremonies and a Special Forecast: EV and E-Commerce Briefing & Press Conference. Visit Media Events for more information.
AAPEX and SEMA Health & Safety Measures On Aug. 26, AAPEX and the SEMA Show, the two events that make up the automotive aftermarket industry’s premier trade gathering during the first week in November, released information regarding health and safety measures for their respective events in Las Vegas, Nevada. Read the joint statement to learn more.
Blogs Focus on Cooling System Innovations and Attracting Employees
In the recent AAPEX Blog, industry leaders share insights on technology changes in cooling systems and ways to attract and retain employees in the automotive aftermarket. To read the blogs, visit:
When top executives from the leading retailers and warehouse distributors take the stage on Nov. 2, you’ll want to be there! Reserve your ticket now for the Keynote Session, 6:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (PDT), Palazzo Ballroom, 5th Floor, The Venetian. Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, Auto Care Association, and Paul McCarthy, president and CEO, Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), will open the program with their annual State of the Aftermarket presentation.
Tour the New Joe’s Garage
For a guided media tour of Joe’s Garage, join us Nov. 2 from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (PDT) or Nov. 3 from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (PDT). RSVP today to save your spot and please indicate which day you’ll be joining the tour.
Reconnect Before AAPEX at the Media Reception
After a missed year, you’ll no doubt be extremely busy at AAPEX. Take some time before it all starts to enjoy light refreshments while reconnecting with friends and colleagues at the annual Media Reception, Oct. 31, from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. (PDT), Casanova Room 601 at The Venetian. To RSVP, email AAPEX Media. You must be registered to attend.
Media Registration, Housing and Airline Discounts
There’s still time to attend AAPEX, but there are details to take care of right away if you haven’t already done so. For your media credentials, visit Media Registration. For the lowest rates at conveniently located hotels, use onPeak, the AAPEX official housing partner, when booking your room. For airline discounts, visit the Hotel and Travel page.